About us

What we do

The Mountsorrel Community Support Fund helps residents of Mountsorrel who find themselves in need, hardship or distress.

The Mountsorrel Community Support Fund was created specifically to support local people by providing financial assistance in the form of grants, which do not have to be repaid. Grants are also made to organisations for specific projects to benefit the people we support.

We are able to help in a variety of ways and over the years have helped members of the community with electrical household products, decorating, carpeting, mobility equipment (e.g. mobility scooters that are not supplied by Social Services), hospital travel expenses, footcare, gardening and many other items and services.

The organisation is funded from investments managed by Mountsorrel United Charities, which was set up in 1874.

For more information about the Mountsorrel Community Support Fund (which is the working name of the Mountsorrel Relief in Need Charity), as well as Mountsorrel United Charities, see the online Charity Commission Register.

Download our easy-read guide on how to apply

Click the link below to read our easy-read guidance on how to apply. This guide was kindly created for us by Homefield College. See their website here.



Our vision is our “dream” - our source of inspiration and what we’re ultimately striving for: to remove poverty, hardship and distress in Mountsorrel.


Our mission is why we exist, what we do, and the path we take to achieve the vision: to be a “safety net”, providing items and services to Mountsorrel residents when they are most in need.


Our values are the beliefs we share. They define how we behave when undertaking our mission, and how we expect others to behave: we are empathetic, caring and considerate. We are respectful and non judgemental.

A little bit of history

The Mountsorrel Community Support Fund evolved from several smaller charities which have been caring for people in the Mountsorrel community since 1874. The oldest of these was the “Charity of Ralph Smalley for the Poor” which dates back even further to the seventeenth century.


Liz Blackshaw
Nicole Carr
Emma Crossley
Elaine Crossley
Ben Davies
Paul Harris
Michelle Hought
Nicci Illett - Chair
Nicola Liquorish
Penny Maguire
Megan Pirt
Rev. Colin Resch
Elizabeth Thompson
Geoff Wainwright

We occasionally have vacancies for co-opted trustees, especially for people who have lived experience of living in need, hardship or distress; and for people with relevant professional experience. Please contact info@mountsorrelcsf.org.uk if you would like to be considered when we next have a vacancy.

T. 07931 129360

E. info@mountsorrelcsf.org.uk

Charity number: 217615